
Paschen Hosts 4th Annual PIE Series at Westinghouse College Prep

F.H. Paschen hosted its 4th Annual P.I.E. (Paschen: Innovations in Engineering) Series event at George Westinghouse College Prep School, where we introduced the Paschen Scholars program to a new set of interested candidates and discussed the field of engineering and how it applies to careers in construction. 

Ryan Kinney of Westinghouse opened the event and Antonia Winfrey of Paschen gave an overview of the day. Joe Scarpelli gave a presentation on the history of F.H. Paschen and background on the vast array of projects the company has completed.  

The presentation this year consisted of a question and answer panel featuring four Paschen employees. The panelists, a Project Engineer, Project Manager, Project Superintendent and Vice President spoke with a grand total of over 100 years of construction experience. Westinghouse students and parents were engaged and asked incredibly thoughtful questions. 

Then, of course, we had pie! 

Paschen is proud of our relationship with Westinghouse, and we are looking forward to welcoming the next group of Paschen Scholars into the program. 

To learn more about the Paschen Scholars program, click here. 

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